

I freely admit, my kids don't wear a lot at home. I figure, being naked or semi-naked, is only cute (and socially acceptable) for a short period; might as well let them enjoy it.
B was running around nakers tonight, and kindly let me know I'd left the hall closet ajar by bringing out & waving around a couple diapers. She likes to play with cloth; don't know why, but it's easier to clean up than crayons & shredded paper so, whatever.
As I sat at my computer, I heard an ever-so-familiar tinkling sound, and looked up to see B studying the growing puddle at her feet. She then threw the prefold (diaper) she was carrying to the ground, and bent down to wipe it up.
I don't know whether to laugh, be annoyed, or be impressed....*sigh*

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