
Well, Dave's in for a surprise when he takes the car to work...

How to shop with a toddler:
  1. Placate the toddler with goldfish crackers, and lead her to the car.
  2. Realize you forgot your grocery bags. 
  3. Get halfway back up the stairs, and remember that you left 2 bags in the car last time.
  4. Drive to the store, listening to toddler sing about goldfish crackers.
  5. Get shopping done in surprisingly timely manner, despite repeated requests in and out of cart, and multiple backtracks because you don't need to write a list.
  6. Drive home, again listening to a serenade about goldfish crackers. 
  7. Arrive home, remove crackers from child, and place on roof.
  8. Remove child from car, and retrieve groceries from trunk.
  9. Reach for goldfish crackers, and watch as a random gust of wind blows the entire bowl into the open sunroof, and all over front seats.
  10. Shrug, and go upstairs.

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