
I Should Really Retitle This Blog "How My Children are Driving Me Crazy Today".

I'm not really sure when the switch flipped, but sometime in the past year, my little girl went from this calm, laid-back, contemplative darling to a chattering whirlwind. Even in her sleep, she still moves and talks. Combined with her equally loud & stubborn brother, they can be quite a disaster, but she somehow still produces frustration all on her own (partially due to her own amazing sense of bad-timing).

(note: this conversation happens at least twice a day, under differing circumstances)
B: "Mommy, tan you help me?"
Me: "Help you with what?"
B: "Jus, tan you help me?"
Me: "Help you do what? I'm a bit busy."
B: "Tan you help me?"
Me: "I can't help you if I don't know what you need."
B: "Mommy, tan you help me?"
Me: "Help you what?"
B: "Jus, tan you help me?"
Me: "Fine, I'll be right there". *puts down the cooking, goes to bedroom and changes shirt; returns*

B: *gone from kitchen, found using potty completely unassisted....like she's been doing for months*

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing kids are so cute. And it's great that she's potty trained. Will has no interest. At his snails pace, he'll be potty trained by the time he's 18. Hopefully.
