I'm sure that by now everyone knows the story of the bucket and the knot, so I will fill you all in about another happening in our eventful day yesterday.
I was on the couch with B (as per usual), when I heard the toilet flush. Oh, crap, I left the bathroom door open again. So, I yell at J to stop playing with the toilet, intending to get up and get him out when B was done eating. In the ten minutes of silence that followed, I completely forgot to do so.
That is, until I heard the sound of flushing, inevitably succeeded by the shock-inducing sound of a torrent of water hitting linoleum, and the frenetic cries of a two-year-old who knows that something just went horribly wrong. I run in to find that he'd carefully unraveled about half the toilet paper roll into the toilet. One quick plunge fixed it, and I spend the next ten minutes removing everything from the bathroom, and gathering and spreading all but two of our towels.
I calm down the boy and reassure him as he sits curled on the couch. (B finds her brother's tears uproariously entertaining, by the way.) I can't help but laugh when I realize that during his nightly naked time, he'd apparently also taken great liberties in powdering himself.
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