...completely different outcome.
I know I've mentioned this before, but the differences between my two kids just amazes me, especially now that B is starting to show her little personality so much more.
J was a baby who didn't care about much but moving. He was even kicking me between contractions, for crap's sake. He talked late, but was climbing up stairs at 6 months. He never really did any of the "typical" baby uh-oh's: no eating random objects, no playing with his poop, no painting with food. He never really did any of the typical baby cute things either, though: no chewing on feet, no singing, no attachment to specific stuffed animals. All his life he's been concerned with motion and exploration. He loves to run and climb, and is obsessed with wheels, switches, levers, and buttons. And if he wants something, he'll find a way to get it.
B, however, is mostly content. She was so comfortable in utero that she never even turned around or dropped. She loves to watch people, and will stare at complete strangers for the chance that they'll look at her and smile. She loves music. She studies her toys thoroughly, feeling them all over, and rotating them to examine all sides. She's constantly yelling and babbling, and lets us know instantly of any important discoveries. Anything new is immediately put in her mouth. She's already figured out how to push beads through simple bead mazes and bangs away at J's xylophone. She's even noticed the different textures in J's touch-and-feel board books. And if she wants something that isn't readily accessible, she'll plop down on her butt, and just cry and cry and reach out her arms like it'll magically jump into them.
It's astounding.
I can't wait to see how (currently hypothetical) #3 turns out.