
He Thinks He's Independent

I half-awoke this morning around 5:30 to the squirming of a small boy stretched out at our feet, thus reducing the amount of mattress to be occupied by me. I attempted to shift so as to not be kicking him and I felt something plastic in bed next to me. I opened my eyes to find a jug of milk lying on its side next to me. Fortunately, the lid was secure and nothing was spilled. I figured J must have gotten it and brought it in there. Looking at the door, I realize his bedroom light is on, yet he's asleep in our bed. I got up, took the milk (only about 2 inches left in the bottom) and realized it was the Chocolate Milk. On my way to the kitchen, I see that he had moved his potty into the middle of the hallway, used it, and left his pants and underwear on the floor next to it. "Okay, I'll put those back on him before I put him in his own bed," I thought. As I continued into the living room, I noticed our Brita water pitcher is sitting upright on the couch, about 1/3 full of water, alongside his mother's empty water cup, also open. Next to these items was an open, empty, water bottle. As I start to gather and put away these items, I see the jug of regular, white milk sitting on the far end of the coffee table. I put these items all away, only to notice a rather large damp water spot on the carpet at the entrance to the kitchen. I put on his underwear and moved him back to his own bed and he slept there until about 10:00. Who knows how long he was awake.

Apparently he got up to go to the bathroom, decided he was thirsty, and either didn't bother to wake us to help him get a drink, or he attempted to wake us and failed. He's not even 3, and he thinks he can do everything by himself. I'm scared.