
Imagination Begins at 2

Jonas has begun to use an imagination that nearly blows us away every time we observe it in action.

One day a few weeks ago, he was holding his big semi truck in the air, swinging it around, and making jet noises. One of us asked him what he had and he replied, "Pay-sip" (Spaceship).

Also, as a side note, he's learning songs. One of his books has the buttons that play the little electronic kids songs. Among the buttons on the book, one of which plays "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (Or the alphabet song, for those of you who know that both songs are the same tune). Anyway, today, we realize that he's trying to sing along simply by repeating "Twee-kol Sar. Twee-kol Sar. Twee-kol Twee-kol Sar."

He counts too. "Too-for" ... "too-for"

1 comment:

  1. Rick Wright20/11/09 21:14

    What else is there to say, except the much used 'awesome'!
