We had lots of fun yesterday at Sioux Center's Hallelujah Party. The range of costumes was impressive, although there were entirely too many broody, make-up'ed vampires for my taste (I hate teenage girls, so, so much). Despite the several Tiggers, there was only one Eeyore, and he got many 'awwww!'s. A group of foreign exchange students took pictures with him. He didn't care about the camera; he was focused very intently on the cupcakes each had won at the cakewalk. ("issa cookie? say peese") They offered him one, but I had to decline, since he already had gotten candy from the bank teller, the Hardee's cashier, and the Walmart greeter. Yikes. No more sugar.
B was also much admired, even though she could care less. It's amazing (and quite wonderful) how she falls asleep anywhere. If only J would still do the same.
J looks stunned and B looks extremely pleased.