
Unanswerable questions.

Why does B only exploda-poo in her cutest outfits?

How does J always know when I'm sneaking a cookie?

How did a sleeping B get chocolate on her tummy & pants? (yes, it was chocolate, I checked)

What prompted J to fling himself bodily on the couch and wake up his sleeping sister by slapping her cheeks?

Why does J need to confirm that he has made a yucky by sticking his hand down his diaper?

How does wearing a blue bow make B a boy?

How did J learn the words for 'cookie', 'donut', 'cake', 'candy', and 'ice cream' so readily and intelligibly?

How is B fit 0-3 mo pants so well, yet is almost too chubby for 3-6 mo shirts?

Why did we buy J a little step-stool of his own?

What happened to the full container of betta food that was in J's closet?


  1. Rick Wright2/11/09 17:00

    Hmmmm. . . those are puzzling. As for the learning one, boys always learn quickly when they like something, ;-) but if the subject is something they don't care about. . . it's difficult. :-(

  2. You will need to learn how to avoid detection, my young padawan.
